Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting TFS Power Tools 2010 working on a 64 bit machine

If you install the Team Foundation Server Power Tools on x64 Windows, the TFS cmdlets will only be accessible in x86 PowerShell, not x64. This is because the installer is x86 and installs the required registry entries to the x86 registry. We can copy those entries by running the following command as an administrator from the 64 bit console:

copy HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell -r

Then, to load the TFS Power Tools snapin (unfortunately, not a module), run:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell


  1. Didn't realise it was this easy. Thanks.

  2. This is very helpful. what about if we get similar issue with 32 bit system?
