Sunday, December 23, 2012

Getting more detail from Azure PowerShell Cmdlet 400 errors

Some of the Azure PowerShell Cmdlets return less than useful errors:
New-AzureDeployment : The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request.
At line:1 char:5
+     New-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -Package "$root\NewSite.Azure\bin\Release\ap ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureDeployment], ProtocolException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.HostedServices.NewAzureDeploymentCommand
The way to get more detailed information is on this blog:
(New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Error[0].Exception.InnerException.Response.GetResponseStream())).ReadToEnd()
I have simply formatted this into a useful PowerShell oneliner. Note that this command can only be run once. The problem in my case was that I had changed my storage account to camel case, but it must be all lower case.
<Error xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
  <Message>The name is not a valid storage account name. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.</Message>


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