The code below uses the default encryption method, which is specific to the logged in user (or, more precisely, the user that is running the code). Note that, for machines that have joined a domain, a domain administrator can decrypt your data by resetting your password. No other users can decrypt your data.
Encrypt password and save to a file
$secureStringPassword = Read-Host "Enter the password" -AsSecureString $encryptedPassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureStringPassword Set-Content -Path Password.bin -Value $encryptedPassword
Load and decrypt the password in memory
function ConvertToUnsecureString( [System.Security.SecureString][parameter(mandatory=$true)]$SecurePassword) { $unmanagedString = [System.IntPtr]::Zero; try { $unmanagedString = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode($SecurePassword) return [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($unmanagedString) } finally { [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeGlobalAllocUnicode($unmanagedString) } } $encryptedPassword = Get-Content -Path Password.bin $secureStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $encryptedPassword $password = ConvertToUnsecureString $secureStringPassword