function getSv(name) { return Request.ServerVariables(name) } var currentUri = ((getSv("HTTPS") == "off") ? "http" : "https") + "://" + getSv("SERVER_NAME") + getSv("SCRIPT_NAME")
Friday, January 28, 2011
Getting the current page URI in classic ASP
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Logging to Windows Event Log using JScript
function Log(message) { var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Exec('eventcreate /id 1 /l [LOG] /SO [SOURCE] /T ERROR /D "' + String(message).replace('"', '""') + '"') }
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Killing all processes that have a DLL loaded
PS C:\> taskkill.exe /im * /t /f /fi "modules eq [YOURMODULENAME.DLL]" SUCCESS: The process with PID 7664 (child process of PID 2572) has been terminated.
Saving the output of a windows batch file (.cmd file) to a file
@echo off setlocal set logfile=Log.log if not "%1" == "/nolog" ( ( date /t & time /t call %0 /nolog ) >> %logfile% 2>&1 type %logfile% endlocal exit /b ) ... your batch file starts here...
It is much easier to achieve this in a PowerShell script by using the Start-Transcript cmdlet. Tee-Object may also be handy, because it can display the output onto the screen as well as writing to a file.
Monday, January 24, 2011
NTP (time synchronisation) servers for New Zealand
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bulk lossless automatic rotation of photos on Windows
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Diagnosing slow Windows 7 boot times
Run this command:
xbootmgr –trace rebootCycle -resultPath %temp%\boot
This will reboot your machine twice.
xperfview can then be used to view the output:
xperfview %temp%\boot\boot_BASE+CSWITCH_1.etl
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Hamachi server has denied your login request
The Hamachi server has denied your login request.
Simple Solution
This page is very popular, so I wrote an application that will reset the Hamachi configuration. The application is the simplest solution, but the steps below do the same job. Download the application here (source is on BitBucket).
You may need to restart your computer after running this program. Please let me know in the comments below whether the application fixes your problem.It looks like this program does not work on all operating systems and fix this error for all people. Your mileage may vary - feel free to contribute to the source code with your own situation.
The way I solved this problem was to delete the Hamachi configuration files. Procmon was able to locate the configuration folders:
- Depending on your system, one of:
%WinDir%\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\LogMeIn Hamachi
%USERPROFILE%\..\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\LogMeIn Hamachi
- And:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\LogMeIn Hamachi
- Start an elevated command prompt. In Windows 7 and Vista, press the Windows key or click on the Start menu, then type cmd into the text field at the bottom of the Start menu. Right click on the cmd icon at the top of the Start menu and click Run as administrator - you will need to either enter an administrator password or accept the dialog that pops up next. If you do this correctly, a black window called the command prompt will pop up.
- Copy this command line. Double click the command below to select it, and then press Ctrl+C or right click and select Copy to copy the command into the clipboard of your computer.
cmd /c rd /s/q "%USERPROFILE%\..\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\LogMeIn Hamachi" & rd /s/q "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\LogMeIn Hamachi" & rd /s/q "%WinDir%\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\LogMeIn Hamachi"
- Run the command line. Paste the command into the black window and hit enter to run it. It should reset your Hamachi configuration files and fix the problem.
Please let me know by commenting below if this works or not for your particular situation, along with the version of Hamachi you are running if you know it.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) 3.4 does not resolve DNS out of the box
Neither DNS nor proxy parameters for wget found so no internet connection, cannot fetch AV engine
Attempting to ping from a shell returns this error:
ping: unknown host
The solution seems to be to launch dhcpcd from the command line:
Setting up my PXE boot server
. |-- debian | `-- testing | `-- amd64 | |-- initrd.gz | `-- linux |-- menu.c32 |-- pxelinux.0 |-- pxelinux.cfg | |-- default | `-- trinity `-- trinity |-- ...lots of files...
With files sourced from:
- Debian distribution from the Debian ftp servers (the folder structure was manually created)
- menu.c32 and pxelinux.0 from Syslinux
- The trinity folder is an extraction of the iso from the Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK)
- The content of the default and trinity configuration files below
The folder structure is mounted (or directly in) /var/lib/tftpboot, and it is exported using NFS (for TRK) by the following configuration line in /etc/exports:
/var/lib/tftpboot/trinity *(ro,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
The folder structure is also exposed using tftpd-hpa (not tftpd) and the DHCP server is using Tomato on my router with the following configuration line in Advanced -> DHCP / DNS -> Dnsmasq custom configuration:
There is some duplication between the two files, but I was happy enough to get them working as I wanted. If I had more time, I would look into MENU INCLUDE.
This is the configuration file called default.
default menu.c32 prompt 0 menu title Welcome to My Network Boot Menu menu color tabmsg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 menu color hotsel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff menu color sel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff menu color scrollbar 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff MENU WIDTH 75 MENU MARGIN 5 MENU PASSWORDMARGIN 3 MENU ROWS 18 MENU TABMSGROW 22 MENU CMDLINEROW 22 MENU ENDROW 24 MENU PASSWORDROW 11 MENU TIMEOUTROW 23 label 1 menu label Debian Install kernel debian/testing/amd64/linux append vga=normal initrd=debian/testing/amd64/initrd.gz -- label 2 menu label Debian Expert Install kernel debian/testing/amd64/linux append priority=low vga=normal initrd=debian/testing/amd64/initrd.gz -- label 3 menu label Debian Rescue kernel debian/testing/amd64/linux append vga=normal initrd=debian/testing/amd64/initrd.gz rescue/enable=true -- label 4 menu label Trinity kernel menu.c32 append pxelinux.cfg/trinity
The following configuration file was generated by trk3/mkpxelinux in the TRK, but I modified it to find kernel.trk and initrd.trk in the trinity sub-folder, then renamed it to trinity:
VIM commands:
:%s/kernel\.trk/trinity\/kernel.trk/g :%s/initrd\.trk/trinity\/initrd.trk/g :%s/vesamenu\.c32/menu.c32/g
This is the configuration file called trinity.
default menu.c32 prompt 0 menu title build 367 menu color tabmsg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 menu color hotsel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff menu color sel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff menu color scrollbar 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff MENU WIDTH 75 MENU MARGIN 5 MENU PASSWORDMARGIN 3 MENU ROWS 18 MENU TABMSGROW 22 MENU CMDLINEROW 22 MENU ENDROW 24 MENU PASSWORDROW 11 MENU TIMEOUTROW 23 label trk3 menu label Run ^Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 (default mode, with text menu) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkmenu timeout 100 label 1 menu label ^1 : TRK 3.4 in failsafe mode (No menu, VGA, noacpi, noapic) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose acpi=off noapic pci=conf1 vga=1 label 2 menu label ^2 : TRK 3.4 running from RAM (best >= 512mb, 256mb min) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkinmem trkmenu label 3 menu label ^3 : TRK 3.4 - Run 'mclone' in client mode (!) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 mclone label 4 menu label ^4 : TRK 3.4 in simple VGA mode (debugging of kernel output) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=1 pci=conf1 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=off trkmenu label 5 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label ^5 : TRK 3.4 with Belgian keyboard (use menu for other) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 keyb_be trkmenu label 6 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label ^6 : TRK 3.4 - Virusscan all drives (Clamav, non interactive) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 virusscan label 7 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label ^7 : TRK 3.4 - Try more pcmcia and usb nics (when not detected) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 pcmcia trkmenu label 8 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label ^8 : TRK 3.4 - Try more SCSI drivers (when disks not detected) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 scsidrv trkmenu label 9 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label ^9 : TRK 3.4 with a secure shell server enabled append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd label 10 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 10: TRK 3.4 - E^xecute local scripts on harddrive of PC append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 locscr label 11 menu label 11: TRK 3.4 as bootserve^r to boot other TRK clients kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkbootnet trkmenu label 12 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 12: TRK 3.4 - Fileshare all drives as ^guest, no security append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbguest trkmenu label 0 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 13: TRK 3.4 - ^Single user mode (no menu) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 runlevel 1 label noacpi kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 14: TRK 3.4 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=^bios (Alternate boot 1) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose acpi=off noapic pci=bios trkmenu label pcinormal kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 15: TRK 3.4 - ^Acpi=off, noapic PCI=any (Alternate boot 2) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose acpi=off noapic trkmenu label pciconf1 kernel trinity/kernel.trk menu label 16: TRK 3.4 - ^PCI=conf2 (Alternate boot 3) append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf2 trkmenu label debug menu label 17: TRK 3.4 - ^Verbose startup for debugging (no menu) kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 debugging label 18 menu label 18: TRK 3.4 - SSH, boot- and guest ^fileserver, run from RAM kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem smbguest trkbootnet trkmenu label 19 menu label 19: TRK 3.4 - Run from RAM, run m^clone as client kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkinmem mclone label 20 menu label 20: TRK 3.4 with prox^yserver support enabled kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 proxy trkmenu label 21 menu label 21: TRK 3.4 - All devices set to read-only kernel trinity/kernel.trk append initrd=trinity/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 trknfs= ip=::::::dhcp splash=verbose pci=conf1 allro label t menu label 22: ^Memory tester: Memtest86+ v1.65 kernel memtest.x86
Problem PXE booting Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) 3.4
Looks like we 're booting from network, mounting xxxx:/yyy on /trk /trk/trk3/trkramfs: Permission denied Something's wrong in startup, dropping to a shell, stop booting
The solution is to modify the permissions on the file trkramfs:
chmod +rx trkramfs
I am not sure why this problem would occur in the latest build.
I was using the Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 build 367.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Keeping track of system freezes with PowerShell
#Based on information from $results = @() function GetResult($time, $message) { return New-Object psobject -Property @{ Time = $time; Message = $message }; } Get-EventLog System | ? { $_.Source -eq "EventLog" -and 6006,6008,6009 -contains $_.EventId } | % { $item = $_ switch($_.EventID) { 6006 { $results += (GetResult $item.TimeGenerated "Clean shutdown") } 6008 { if(-not ($item.Message -match "^The previous system shutdown at (.*) on (.*) was unexpected.$")) { throw "Invalid format." } $c = ($matches[2] -replace '\u200E','') + " " + ($matches[1] -replace '\u200E',''); #not sure why, but it includes the unicode character 'LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK' $dt = [datetime]::parse($c) $results += (GetResult $dt "Dirty shutdown") } 6009 { $results += (GetResult $item.TimeGenerated "Start-up") } } } $results | sort Time -Descending
Running the script will create output similar to this:
.\ShutdownEvent.ps1 Message Time ------- ---- Start-up 7/01/2011 13:34:38 Dirty shutdown 7/01/2011 13:18:22 Start-up 7/01/2011 08:18:25 Clean shutdown 6/01/2011 16:44:41 Start-up 6/01/2011 08:19:52 Clean shutdown 5/01/2011 16:42:38 Start-up 5/01/2011 08:18:23 Clean shutdown 31/12/2010 16:21:51 Start-up 31/12/2010 08:50:07 Clean shutdown 30/12/2010 16:36:55 Start-up 30/12/2010 08:49:39 Clean shutdown 29/12/2010 16:37:34 Start-up 29/12/2010 08:50:48 Clean shutdown 24/12/2010 09:52:04 Start-up 24/12/2010 08:46:15 Clean shutdown 23/12/2010 13:25:19 Start-up 23/12/2010 08:02:46 Clean shutdown 22/12/2010 16:37:40 Start-up 22/12/2010 08:02:18 Clean shutdown 21/12/2010 16:35:55 Start-up 21/12/2010 08:02:13 Clean shutdown 20/12/2010 16:32:50 Start-up 20/12/2010 08:01:52
You can also filter the output, for example to only show dirty shut-down events:
.\ShutdownEvent.ps1 | ? { $_.Message -match 'Dirty.*' } Message Time ------- ---- Dirty shutdown 7/01/2011 13:18:22 Dirty shutdown 16/09/2010 08:23:41 Dirty shutdown 9/09/2010 11:04:31 Dirty shutdown 19/07/2010 11:35:27 Dirty shutdown 14/07/2010 13:52:24 Dirty shutdown 8/07/2010 13:40:26 Dirty shutdown 7/05/2010 08:22:57
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Capturing both output and error streams from a .NET process
The code example avoids a deadlock condition by calling p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd before p.WaitForExit. A deadlock condition can result if the parent process calls p.WaitForExit before p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd and the child process writes enough text to fill the redirected stream. The parent process would wait indefinitely for the child process to exit. The child process would wait indefinitely for the parent to read from the full StandardOutput stream.
The example in MSDN is:
// Start the child process. Process p = new Process(); // Redirect the output stream of the child process. p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.FileName = "Write500Lines.exe"; p.Start(); // Do not wait for the child process to exit before // reading to the end of its redirected stream. // p.WaitForExit(); // Read the output stream first and then wait. string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); p.WaitForExit();
The problem with this example is that it only reads from stdout - not from stderr. One solution, using the new .NET TPL (Task Parallel Library), is to launch two tasks that read the output and error streams.
ProcessStartInfo psInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = @"/c dir C:\", FileName = @"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, UseShellExecute = false }; Process proc = Process.Start(psInfo); string stderr = null, stdin = null; Parallel.Invoke(() => stdin = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), () => stderr = proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()); proc.WaitForExit();
There is one caveat with this approach - Parallel.Invoke does not seem to guarantee that both tasks will run in parallel. I will need to investigate this some more.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Booting into the MBR of another drive using GRUB 2
The first trick is to make sure that the Linux installer does not overwrite the MBR on the Truecrypt disk, potentially rendering it unbootable. During the "expert install" of Debian based distros (including Ubuntu), it is important to install Grub 2 and then instruct Grub not to install to the MBR of the first hard disk. The installer will then give you the option to specify the drive whose MBR to modify - at this stage, choose the Linux disk, rather than the Trurcrypt disk.
After setting the Linux disk to be the boot disk in BIOS, edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom as the root user and add the following lines to the end:
menuentry "Other Disk" { set root = (hd1) chainloader +1 }
The key here is to set root to the Truecrypt hard drive. Do not specify a partition, because we want to boot using the MBR of the disk. Booting into grub and using ls at the grub command prompt will give you a list of all the available drives.
After modifying 40_custom, run update-grub, and reboot. You should be able to boot into Linux or into the Truecrypt drive using the Other Disk menu entry.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Change index from clustered to nonclustered in SQL Server 2008
- Open the database in SQL Server Management Studio.
- Right-click on the table that has the clustered index and select Design.
- Right click on a blank space on the design view and select Indexes/Keys from the context menu.
- Select the index that you want to modify in the list on the left.
- Change the value of the property Create As Clustered from Yes to No.
- Click close, then save the table design view.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Using the AJAX minifier as an MSBuild task to compress JavaScript
It is possible to us the AJAX Minifier to generate compact Ecmascript (JavaScript) and CSS files.
Add the following to your .csproj file within the
tag. This page gives more detail.<Target Name="AfterBuild"> <ItemGroup> <JS Include="**\*.original.js" /> <CSS Include="**\*.original.css" /> </ItemGroup> <AjaxMin JsSourceFiles="@(JS)" JsSourceExtensionPattern="\.original.js$" JsTargetExtension=".js" CssSourceFiles="@(CSS)" CssSourceExtensionPattern="\.original.css$" CssTargetExtension=".css" JsOutputMode="MultipleLines" JsCombineDuplicateLiterals="true"/> </Target>
The documentation is good except that it does not detail all the options for the MSBuild task. I list them for version 4.0 below, with descriptions copied from various places including the source code and documentation:
Option | Effect | Default |
JsCollapseToLiteral | Collapse new Array() to [] and new Object() to {}. | true |
JsCombineDuplicateLiterals | Combine duplicate literals within function scopes to local variables. | false |
JsEnsureFinalSemicolon | Appends a semi-colon to the end of the minified JavaScript. | true |
JsEvalTreatment | Normally an eval statement can contain anything, including references to local variables and functions. If it is expected to do so, when the tool encounters an eval statement, that scope and all parent scopes cannot take advantage of local variable and function renaming because things could break when the eval is evaluated and the references are looked up. To reduce the amount of resulting minification but make sure that all possible references in evaluated code will hold true, use the MakeAllSafe value. However, sometimes the developer knows that he’s not referencing local variables in his eval (like when only evaluating JSON objects), and this switch can be set to Ignore to make sure you get the maximum reduction in resulting code size. Or alternatively, if the developer knows the code being evaluated will only access local variables and functions in the current scope and nowhere else, the MakeImmediateSafe value can be specified and all parent scopes will still rename their locals. Very dangerous setting; should only be used when you are certain of all possible behavior of evaluated code. | Ignore |
JsIndentSize | For the multi-line output feature, how many spaces to use when indenting a block (see OutputMode). | 4 |
JsInlineSafeStrings | Break up string literals containing </script> so inline code won't break. | true |
JsLocalRenaming | Renaming of locals. There are a couple settings: KeepAll is the default and doesn’t rename variables or functions at all. CrunchAll renames everything it can. In between there is KeepLocalizationVars, which renames everything it can except for variables starting with L_. Those are left as-is so localization efforts can continue on the minified code. | CrunchAll |
JsMacSafariQuirks | There are two quirks that Safari on the Mac (not the PC) needed: throw statements always seem to require a terminating semicolon; and if statements that only contains a single function declaration need to surround that function declaration with curly-braces. Basically, if you want your code to always work in Safari, set this to true. If you don’t care about Safari (for instance, in a corporate environment where the browser your users can use is highly restricted), setting this value to false might save a few bytes. | true |
JsOutputMode | SingleLine minifies everything to a single line. MultipleLines breaks the minified code into multiple lines for easier reading (won’t drive you insane trying to debug a single line). The only difference between the two outputs is whitespace. (see also: IndentSize). | SingleLine |
JsRemoveFunctionExpressionNames | true | |
JsRemoveUnneededCode | Should be set to true for maximum minification. Removes unreferenced local functions (not global functions, though), unreferenced function parameters, quotes around object literal field names that won’t be confused with reserved words, and it does some interesting things with switch statements. For instance, if the default case is empty (just a break), it removes it altogether. If there is no default case, it also removes other empty case statements. It also removes break statements after return statements (unreachable code). | true |
JsStripDebugStatements | removes “debugger” statements, any calls into certain namespaces like $Debug, Debug, Web.Debug or Msn.Debug. also strips calls to the WAssert function. | true |